All classes are taught using positive reinforcement methods.
Playful Pup Class Schedule January 2025
Classes cost $150 for a 6-week session and are held on Coburn Road in East Montpelier You will need a 4-wheel drive vehicle for our driveway!
Messing About / Tricks and Games Wednesdays at 4:30 starting January 15th This class is designed for you to have fun with your dog. All ability levels are welcome.
Indoor obstacle courses
Obedience games (based on students’ wants: stay, come, leave it, etc.)
Scent work
Puppies and Young Adolescents Saturdays at 9:30 starting January 4th
Focus on creating a strong relationship with your puppy.
Age specific issues: crate training, jumping up, attention, etc.
Play time
Polite Manners Saturdays at 10:45 starting January 4th
Sit, down, stay, leave it, come, leash skills, polite greetings.
There will be a variety of levels in the class so dogs will work at their own pace.
Heeling Foundations/ Scent Work Wednesdays at 6:30 starting January 8th
For half the class, learn the basic foundations of a flashy heel.
For the other half, teach your dog to identify and find scents.
Basic obedience skills are a prerequisite for this class.
Play groups – People socialize while they watch their dogs play in my 3-acre fenced-in yard. $10 per playgroup, per dog. I’d like you to come most of the time, but it’s okay if you miss a week from time to time. For dogs with strong social skills.
Mondaysat 10:30 Medium dogs 20-40ish pounds.
Tuesdays at 10:30 Large dogs. 40 pounds and over
Thursdays at 10:30 Small dogs- 20ish pounds and under.
================================================================================== All classes are taught using positive reinforcement methods.